Mary grew up in the remote community of Kugaaruk ( Koo- gaa- rook), Nunavut in the Central Arctic, which has a population of 1100 people.
In 1982, Mary joined the Co-operative System in the Arctic as the Office Manager of Koomiut Co-op in Kugaaruk, Nunavut. Then moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba to work at Arctic Co-operatives Limited. As Corporate Secretary and Vice President of the Governance and Member Relations, she administers the democratic structure of Arctic Co-ops, Member Co-op governance and works closely with the Board of Directors of Arctic Co-operatives Limited.
Mary was honoured with the Distinguished Cooperator Award from Manitoba Cooperative Association in 2019.
Mary has represented the interests of Arctic Co-operatives and the Member Co-ops in the Arctic at Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, Federated Co-operatives, and Co-operators. She has shared her experience with the Co-op system with others, from the perspective of a service federation, and from her own experience as an Indigenous co-operator. She has been invited to speak around the world, including at the Co-operatives in Indigenous Communities Symposium, held in Australia in 2012.
As an inuk leader, Mary plays a significant role in bringing insight on Inuit culture, values and perspective to the organization. Mary is an active participant on the Board of Directors of First Nations Bank of Canada, as well as on the Manitoba Inuit Association.
Mary has contributed to Co-ops on local, regional, national and international levels. She is a dedicated individual who advocates for and educates others about the power of the Co-operative model. Mary has two daughters Stephanie and Victoria