Michaela Cryar

Michaela Cryar leads and manages Younity, the community energy joint venture between Midcounties Cooperative and Octopus Energy in the UK. She is responsible for leading the business planning and strategy to increase awareness of community energy to support the growth of the sector. Younity works with 1/3 of the UK community energy sector via power […]
Marie-Josée Paquette

Marie-Josée Paquette received a bachelor’s degree from the Université du Québec en Outaouais with a major in communications and a minor in political science. After graduating, she went on to hold various positions in provincial and federal ministerial offices. She joined the cooperative and mutual movement in 2009, landing at the Conseil québécois de la […]
Dan Waddle

Dan Waddle is senior vice president of NRECA International, leading efforts that promote cooperative development and designs programs that offer access to modern electric service in developing countries. He directs programs in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South Asia. The programs focus on low-cost electric service expansion through establishing and strengthening rural electric […]
Zuraidah Hoffman

Zuraidah Hoffman is a communications expert, and a professional facilitator. With more than 20 years of experience in communications, she has spent the last decade working closely with NRECA International, a US-based global rural electrification NGO that takes its roots from the American electric cooperative movement. She has travelled the world to produce stories on the […]
Karen Miner

Karen currently holds the position of Managing Director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management (Saint Mary’s University, Canada) where she develops global relationships and networks, shares and exchanges knowledge on how to build people-centred economies and societies, and researches democratic governance systems. Throughout her career, ‘business and sustainability’ has been a cross-cutting theme, and […]
Guy Cormier

Guy Cormier has been President and CEO of Desjardins Group since 2016. He has worked for the cooperative for 30 years, becoming a caisse general manager in 2002, Vice-President of Finance in 2009, and joining Desjardins Group’s senior management team in 2012. Since being elected President, Mr. Cormier has worked hard to instill a strong member- and […]
Rafael Ziegler

Rafael Ziegler is a professor at HEC Montréal. He holds a BSc. from the London School of Economics and a PhD from McGill University. He is associate editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities and the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, and member of the Réseau québécois de recherche en économie circulaire (Québécois Network […]
Marguerite Mendell

Marguerite Mendell is an economist and Distinguished Professor Emerita, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University. She is also Director, Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Concordia University. She has published on the work and influence of Karl Polanyi, the social economy in Quebec and internationally, on democratizing capital and solidarity finance in Quebec […]
Sonja Novkovic

Sonja Novkovic is professor of Economics and Academic director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada. Her research, teaching and writing evolves around comparative economic systems, co-operative and broader social solidarity economy, with particular focus on worker ownership, participation and economic democracy. She is an Affiliated Researcher at the Institute Alphonse […]
Mario Pansera

Mario is a Research Professor at the University of Vigo in Spain and the Director of the Post-Growth Innovation Lab. He is the Principal Investigator of the project PROSPERA (Prospering without growth: Science, Innovation and technology in a post-growth era) funded by the European Research Council. Mario is the coordinator of the H2020 project JUST2CE […]